Weather Fronts

14th May 2021

Why, When and How they’ll try to kill you.

The Atmosphere, Troposphere and Tropopause

As with everything to do with meteorology, atmospheric composition plays a massive role in the formation of fronts. By percentage, the atmosphere is 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen leaving a measly 1%to account for everything else including Carbon Dioxide, Ozone and todays primary concern, Water Vapour.
Despite this, local concentrations of water vapour can be up to 4%. This is because on average 50% of the mass of the atmosphere is situated in the 5.5km(18,000 ft) closest to the earth and another 25% in the 5.5km after that.

Layers of the Atmosphere
Layers of the Atmosphere, Bredk, 2007. (Available at

By separating the atmosphere into layers around the earth based on how temperature varies with altitude, we can define the troposphere. In the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA), this is the lowest level stretching from the surface to the tropopause at 11km (36,090 ft) with a temperature lapse rate of 1.98°C per 1000ft with a surface temperature of +15°C. As the majority of aircraft operate in this layer, this is what we are going to examine more closely.

The ISA is an average model used to standardise the basis for calculations around the world but if you’ve stood outside recently, I highly doubt it was exactly 15°C. The variation in temperature with season causes the actual level of the tropopause to rise and fall over the course of the year. In the warmer summer months, you can expect it to be higher while its lower in the colder winter months.

The rotation of the earth also influences the height of the tropopause. As the earth spins, the atmosphere tends to get pulled towards the equator and bulge outwards meaning different latitudes will have different tropopause heights. As a general rule the tropopause at the poles and high latitudes will be almost half the height of the equatorial tropopause.

Variation of Tropopause Height with Latitude.
Variation in Tropopause height with latitude

Air Masses

Air masses are large bodies of air that have remained stationary over a source region for long enough to take on the characteristics of the region. Each source region is a large stable area of high pressure. Some of these exist year-round, while others are dependent on seasons. Air masses tend to extend from the surface to the tropopause and contain the majority of the water vapour, and hence weather, in the atmosphere.

"A body of air with horizontally uniform levels of temperature, humidity and pressure"

Air masses follow a 3-letter naming system based on their track, source region and temperature. For instance, the air mass originating from North Africa travels mostly over the continent to reach the UK bringing hot dry air so is known as the Tropical Continental Air Mass and described by cTw.

Air Mass Naming System

Even if we didn’t know the source region, from its code we could determine its basic characteristics. The “c” implies it has travelled over land where there is less moisture than over the sea, so it is likely to be quite dry. “w” implies it has been situated in a hot area for an extended period so is likely to be very warm. This is confirmed by the “T” stating it is from the tropical zone much closer to the equator than we are situated.

6 major air masses affect the UK. 5 of these can be seen on the diagram, with the addition of the Returning Polar Maritime Air Mass.

Like the Polar Maritime Air Mass, this originates in the polar regions like Greenland but travels south before returning to the South West of the UK, extending its sea track to loop around a large depression or area of low pressure situated somewhere to the North West of the UK.

Due to its extended sea track, the air mass has more time to warm in the lower layers and take on moisture creating a stable base layer with unstable air above, leading to a large variety of weather. Stratus clouds and hill fog are likely, and may develop into cumuliform cloud, or even CBs in the unstable layer aloft.

Similarly, Polar Continental air may be divided into two categories based on its travel path. If the air mass follows the Short Sea Track, traveling mostly over land, it tends to arrive in the UK near Dover. The Long Sea Track air which has travelled between Denmark and Scotland tends to be slightly more humid and may bring drizzle or snow, especially in the winter months.

UK Air Masses
BBC,2011. (Available at:

What is a Front?

Types of Weather Front As seen on Charts

We have already defined a front as a boundary between air masses. Boundaries between different types of air mass result in different weather conditions. Stronger fronts with more intense weather conditions occur where the differences in properties between the air masses is greatest like a very warm and dry continental air mass meeting a cold air mass which has followed a long sea track so is very humid.

Different types of fronts, their positions and direction of movement can be seen on Met Forms 215 and 415, the low-level forecast charts for the UK and Europe respectively, and the Surface Pressure charts available from the Met Office’s Aviation Briefing Service. The lines of the various symbols depict where the boundary meets the surface and the direction the triangles or semi-circles are pointing in depict the direction of movement of the front.

Surface Pressure Chart from the Met Office - General Aviation Briefing Service

Warm Fronts

A warm front forms where a warm air mass replaces a cold airmass. The warm air is less dense than the cold, allowing it to rise over the top producing a gentle 1:150 slope. As the air rises, it cools causing stratiform cloud to form in layers along the boundary, increasing in altitude the further from it. This band of cloud can be up to 500NM ahead of the front and result in precipitation up to 200NM ahead.

The warm front tends to travel at approximately 1/3 of the speed of the 2000ft wind, slower than its cold front counterpart.

As the front passes through, can expect:

  • Surface Wind - Veers.
  • Pressure - Decreases.
  • Temperature - Increases.
  • Cloud - Clear edge of high cirrus cloud far ahead of front, followed by Altostratus, Nimbostratus and Stratus.
  • Cloud Base - Gradually lowering as front approaches.
  • Precipitation - Light up to 200NM ahead, increasing to moderate then continuous when front directly overhead.
  • Transitional Zone - Up to 90NM causing gradual changes.
  • Behind - Low cloud cover and drizzle with possible mist, especially in winter.

Cold Fronts.

The opposite of the warm front, a faster moving cold airmass replaces a warm air mass to form a cold front. The denser cold air essentially wedges itself under the warmer air mass, forcing it to rise. This results in a steeper slope (typically 1:50) and much more convection causing mixing and cumuliform cloud. Cold fronts move significantly faster at 2/3 the speed of the 2000ft wind and the steeper slope causes a smaller transitional zone with much faster changes. It may be possible to see an active cold front as a line of cumulus cloud or CBs, and particularly intense cold fronts may present as a squall line.

As the front passes through, can expect:

  • Surface Wind - Veers, becoming gusty.
  • Pressure - Increases.
  • Temperature - Decreases.
  • Cloud - Line of CBs or Cumuliform cloud.
  • Cloud Base - Fairly constant over a smaller area.
  • Precipitation - Heavy bands of rain. Possible hail or thunderstorms.
  • Transitional Zone - Narrower band with more rapid changes.
  • Behind - Clear skies with possible scattered showers.

The Frontal Zone and Possible Hazards

The frontal zone is essentially a cross section from the surface to the tropopause of the sections between fronts and can generate an enormous amount of weather activity.

On the cold front side of this section, as we saw before warm moist air is forced aloft rapidly. This causes convective mixing of the layers of air and condensation into cumuliform cloud as air cools past the dewpoint in a process called frontal lifting. With sufficient moisture and energy in the air parcels this can form towering cumulus or cumulonimbus clouds which can be associated with thunderstorms. A squall line of thunderstorms may form along the cold front making it easily visible on weather radar systems.

Thunderstorms present a whole set of conditions you probably don’t want to be flying near.

  • Heavy Rain - Expect reduced visibility.
  • Lightning - can influence various instruments including compasses and navaids.
  • Turbulence and Wind Shear - anticipate both in the clear air surrounding the could, and the cloud itself. The strength of up and downdrafts increases with the greater vertical extent of the cloud.
  • Icing - Liquid water exists above the 0-degree isotherm and can form both rime and clear ice on contact with aircraft surfaces.
  • Hail - the size of hail pellets is also likely to be larger from clouds of greater vertical extent and can cause reduced visibility and significant aircraft damage.

The warm front side prevents its own set of hazards. Mass ascent of warm moist air along a shallower slope produces stratiform cloud layers. These shallower clouds produce smaller droplets than cumuliform so are generally associated with drizzle or light rain. Rain from the altostratus and nimbostratus cloud ahead of the front falling into the colder air mass below presents two major problems.

Firstly, the colder air can hold less water vapour than the warm air before it becomes either nearly or entirely saturated. When the airmass encounters any turbulence, such as from passing over rough terrain, mechanical mixing is likely to cause formation of low stratus cloud or fog which can affect visibility. This typically easily disperses as the front passes within a few hours.

More worryingly is the possibility of freezing rain. This occurs due to the temperature differences between the warm and cold sectors and hence the different levels of the 0 Degree Isotherms. Liquid rain falls from nimbostratus cloud in the warm sector below the warm 0-degree isotherm. It falls into the cold sector above the cold isotherm, causing it to supercool. If this lands on your airframe it will form ice and can reduce the lifting capability of your wings by up to 40%. Flight into freezing rain, either actual or forecast, is forbidden.

The top of the warm sector is bounded by the tropopause. As air is forced to rise at both the warm and cold front, a circulation current is generated. Subsidence towards the centre of the warm sector can trap solid particles, forming a haze layer and reducing visibility.

Occluded Fronts

Occlusions form where a faster moving cold front overtakes a warm front, essentially raising the warm sector so it is no longer in contact with the surface. The interactions between the three air masses typically have characteristics of both types of fronts, but rain should almost always be expected. Occlusion chart symbols reflect this by combining the semi-circles and triangles to indicate the direction of movement of the front. Quasi-stationary fronts also have both sets of symbols, however they will be on opposite sides of the boundary line to differentiate.

The UK Environmental Change Network (Available at:
The Atmosphere, 8th Edition, Lutgens andTarbuck, 2001.

Occlusions are named either warm or cold occlusions based on the relative temperature of the air mass behind the front. The warm sector will always be held aloft. In a cold occlusion, colder air behind the front undercuts the cooler air ahead forcing the cool air to rise. A warm occlusion occurs where cool air behind the front is less dense than the cold air ahead of it, so rises over the cold air.

Both forms of occlusion are associated with:

  • Persistent low cloud
  • Heavy and continuous precipitation
  • Little change in wind vector as the front passes through
  • Combination of warm and cold front weather conditions

Pre-Flight Weather Checks

Fronts can be dangerous places with lots of high energy weather phenomena, even at low level. This emphasises the need for a proper weather check before every flight. A standard list of sources to consult pre-flight is:

  • Window - If there's thunder and lightning outside, is there any point bothering to look at the rest of it?
  • METARs - For departure, destination and diversion aerodromes. Note the general trends over the past few METARs – is thedescending cloud base indicating an arriving warm front?
  • TAFs - Again for departure, destination and diversion aerodromes when available. This helps you build a picture of what you can expect to happen over the next few hours.
  • Spot Wind, Surface Pressure and Low Level Forecast Charts - Available from the Met Office’s Aviation Briefing Service, these charts can give you a good indication of surface and cruising level winds, freezing levels, front positions and any other hazards which may impact your flight.
  • Other Pilots – If someone else has just landed, often asking them about the conditions can be the most effective way to build an accurate picture of what's going on.

Useful Links

  • Aviation Briefing Service - Gives you a bit of everything but does require setting up a free account to access certain content. Well worth it. (
  • Windy - Can show you pretty much anything you want to know. From latest METARs and TAFs, to isobars, local cloud bases and the rain radar, this is a brilliant tool. I would highly recommend spending a bit of time playing with the settings to examine its full functionality. (
  • Avia Weather - An app which gives you a list of the latest METARs and TAFs for saved or searched aerodromes. I really like this as it allows me to look over the local METARs rapidly as they update.
  • Royal Meteorological Society – For more information on different air masses and how they impact weather. (